With so many dangers in the warehouse it's important to be aware of basic rules in place for
OH&S purposes. These apply to the organisation and they should be monitored to ensure that the standards are being maintained in the warehouse. Below are a few rules to be aware of:
Regulations on the selection and use of PPE
Rules on walking and working surfaces.
Racking and shelving storage limits.
There are also rules around the use of materials handling that warehouse staff should be aware of. Whether staff are using equipment or themselves to maneuver objects around the warehouse, the following rules should be followed.
Make a plan for the movement of the load as the first step - decide on the best way to maneuver the load, make sure there are no obstacles in the movement path and that the destination has space for the load to go into.
Be careful when nearby to conveyors, make sure clothing or loose parts wont get caught.
When lifting items make sure to use a safe technique.
If items are being carried in the warehouse, make sure that you can see over the top of the load.
Any machinery or equipment in the warehouse should not be used by anyone without the training or qualifications.
Follow operating procedures of equipment and use it safely.
Push a manual handling equipment around the warehouse as opposed to pushing, where it is possible and lean in the direction that you are moving.
If a pallet truck is being used make sure that heaviest part is on the bottom and awkward or bulky items are secured.