Companies with
warehouse racking facilities or
storage solutions that move to the cloud warehouse management spend up to 25% less on labour. In addition to reducing overall costs by over 20%, and achieve ROI at a much faster rate. However, an average of around 10% of Warehouse Management System users are leveraging the cloud.
Here are some advantages of switching to a cloud warehouse management system (WMS) for your warehouse facility:
It features flexible warehouse rules that keep you up to date with the latest software enhancements. Meanwhile being customisable to suit your operations department.
A cloud WMS scales to support complex environments and adapts to a constant changing warehouse facility.
With constantly updated cloud technology, a cloud WMS will positively impact your businesses long-term strategy, systems and processes. So then you can meet the demand of your customers more efficiently.
A cloud WMS provides real-time, actionable information that helps to make better decisions for your warehouse facility.
A cloud WMS eliminates costs and time associated with hardware, software, upgrades and security.
A large portion of your warehouse team is using smartphones in their daily management of operations. Being easy to use and more cost-effective, they are quickly replacing bulky mobile terminals and desktop computers.
A cloud WMS contains a dashboard and easy to use tutorials. In order to help get your warehouse team up to speed on how to best use it, and it’s also easy to use across all your devices.
A cloud WMS can easily integrate with existing systems e.g.
XERO for accounts or
Salesforce for CRM.