21 July 2016

Making More From Less - Innovative and Lean Warehouse Storage Solutions

It’s no secret that businesses are always looking for ways to consolidate costs. The age-old conundrum still applies, how do you do more with less? A lean warehouse storage solution is a great place to start. Businesses with warehouses, distribution centres and manufacturing onsite need to constantly evolve. As well as remain innovative to stay at the top of their game. So how can you make a positive impact on your storage facility that gets results whilst saving your business money?

4 Key Methods to Money Saving in Your Warehouse

1. Plan for the future of your business

If you are making changes to your warehouse storage area, it is helpful to have an understanding of where you want your business to be in the future. Planning and forecasting will help you. Review your business turnover year on year and amount of product that has come and gone from your facility. You’ll then be in a position to project and more accurately calculate the warehouse space you need.

2. Make the most of your layout and space configuration

TNT Australia - Warehouse Storage Solution - Rolled Upright Shelving
Optimise your warehouse and manufacturing storage space. This means for all possible uses while your layout will need to maximize the use of available floor space. Consider mezzanine levels if your facility is suitable and think about vertical storage solutions.

3. Providing safe and productive spaces for your employees

Invest in a safer ergonomic working environment. This ensures that you are taking care of your employees. As well as, looking after their well-being you are also helping your own business. Through managing operational costs such as worker’s compensation and lost worker productivity.

4. Research options for sustainable technologies and best practices

All businesses must keep their competitive edge. Each organisation aims to be leaders of innovation in their industry. To do this they must think about implementing sustainable initiatives for your facility. Find out and implement ways to meet and exceed regulatory requirements and create a lean warehouse. This is also a great way to build trust with existing and potential clients. Research before you invest and consider how you can obtain storage solutions. For instance look for storage solutions that:

increases worker safety,
requires minimum floor space, and
delivers maximum return on your investment.

Rolled Upright Shelving - A Lean Warehouse Storage Solution

Orbit Rolled Upright Steel Shelving (also known as Binning) offers a flexible storage solution with adjustable shelves. This has the ability to suit your changing needs. Rolled upright Shelving has the capacity to store a large range of different sized items.

The ability of Orbit Rolled Upright Steel Shelving (or binning) to be configured as Single Sided or Double Sided. It has wide range of heights, widths and depths available. Which then enables the system to be tailored to maximise your storage space.

All shelves are mounted on durable shelf-clips. This provides the flexibility of fully adjustable shelf levels in height increments of 25mm to suit your specific requirements.

Orbit Rolled Upright Shelving (Binning) is designed to integrate with small parts trays offering effective storage solutions for small items and is a lean warehouse storage solution.

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Abbott Storage Systems

At Abbott Storage Systems we have a long history in the warehousing and storage industry. A strong focus is on ‘Delivering Trusted Solutions’ according to our tagline. We have become a trusted brand in the storage industry as a result. So to this end, we ensure that each storage solution is tailored to every individual clients’ specific needs. As well as, focusing on the need for increased safety, productivity and efficiency. Our achievements are built on our experience in the industry. We design and manage entire storage fit outs.
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