2 June 2020

Top Tips for a Warehouse Racking Relocation

Whether you have started or are considering a warehouse racking relocation, we understanding this can be an extremely stressful time for your business. Find out our top ten tips to make the transition as smooth as possible.

A few key decisions to make before the relocation is:

Will you be using your current racking system or implementing a new system?
What company/'s will be assisting with the move?
The required completion date


Outline of whatPrior to the move in to a new warehouse it is important that the plans of the warehouse racking and layout is finalised. Once stock is in the new warehouse it will increase the difficulty to arrange the layout.

Along with this planning goes the planning of stock locations. From this data you can establish a step by step process of the best order to transfer stock from your current warehouse to your new one. You will need to consider the time and the number of staff required to carrying out the move and even add in extra time just to be safe.
Warehouse Relocation Planning
A warehouse racking relocation won't only involving the packaging of stock for the transport but also the unpacking when it is received in as well as checking off that it is in good order to be able to be sold to customers, so no damage during transport.

Your staff may need time to adjust to the new warehouse layout, if it differs from your current one.

Relocation Workers

It is imperative to keep a tab on those that will assist with the relocation. With numerous staff working on the job and possibly more than usual, it increases the chances of an accident happening. Keep a tracker on who should be in which area in a given time during a warehouse racking relocation.
Racking Relocation Options


Relocating a warehouse is completely different to moving house. Before the warehouse racking relocation ensure that you have current records of the stock holding within your business. Within your plan should be a tracker of who is responsible in the transportation of each stock item.

If your current racking system is fairly damaged then it may be best for an entirely new one. Maybe you racking requirements have changed, then in this case you have grown out of your current system.

At the receiving end, staff should be checking in stock and ensuring there is no damage. It should be noted if stock has been damaged in the transportation.


There is two safety points to keep track of through a relocation that is stock and people.

Those working should be aware of the expectations in terms of the safety clothing. Another option is to utilise safety signage through both warehouses. Ensure that all risk areas are well communicated.

The safety of inventory is ensuring that no or minimal damage or theft occurs. Some stock may have to be transported in a unique way, adeque action and planning should be taken for these stock lines. You want to aim for minimal amount of stock damage as possible.
Warehouse Relocation Site Safety

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